Mindfulness is more than just present moment awareness

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the importance of the attitudinal component of mindfulness. Mindfulness is more than just mechanically paying attention in the present moment. Mind you, the awareness and self-regulation of attention that comes through training the mind to be in the present moment is worth developing. It is great for focus and sustained concentration. … Read more

Mindfulness and Elite High Board Diving

During the summer school vacation the WAIS youth high board diving squad trains at the same time as I swim in the morning. From the 50m pool where I do laps, I can see them training on the high springboards. I am struck by the similarities between training to become an elite diver and training … Read more

Sitting in discomfort

Perth’s temperature hit 44.4° C yesterday (111.92° F). I work from a home office and we don’t have air conditioning in our house. I have a pedestal fan I can put in my office and a spray bottle I fill with water. It was uncomfortable – no denying it. As happens with such temperature, my … Read more

Dropping the “story”

Between Christmas and New Year I did a flying visit to Thailand to be at the wedding of Ginger and Laetitia who live in a village outside Mae Rim. It was a beautiful wedding with friends and family from many countries present. I also went to spend time with Ouyporn Khuankaew – a feminist, activist, … Read more

Getting through the silly season sanely

Most of us feel the pressure of this time of the year – more events, parties, drinking, food – less time. Here’s a reminder of some things to help keep us sane during this time: take regular 3-minute breathing spaces – bringing attention into the body… feeling the physical sensations present… connecting with the breath… … Read more

Mindfulness and structural changes in the brain

Our 10 week community course held at City West Lotteries House has just completed. (The photo shows some of us celebrating after the last class.) Each week I gave the participants small tasters of some of the neuroscience and other research that is being done into Mindfulness and other forms of meditation. Here is a … Read more

Mindfulness and religion…

Mindfulness is not about religion. Or is it? Look at what Abraham Lincoln and the Dalai Lama say about their religion: Abraham Lincoln: “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad… that’s my religion” The Dalai Lama: “My religion is simple..my religion is kindness” Mindfulness involves heartfulness: kindness we … Read more

One reason why mindfulness matters

At a recent follow-up session with participants from a Mindfulness workshop, one of the participants provided feedback on her experience washing the dishes mindfully. She had chosen this as a daily task that she would do mindfully – she would really be present and attend to what she was doing. Rather than spending the time … Read more