Mindfulness for Children/Teenagers

Our public courses for teenagers are presently on hold. For interested groups or organisations, information is provided below on what the courses contain.

If you are looking for mindfulness programs for children south of the river Jacqueline Sander, a child psychotherapist is offering specific programs for children aged 7-9 and 10-12 years old.

mindfulness for teenagers

Being a teenager can be hard work as well as good fun. It can be easy to swing between the good times and times when everyone else in the world seems to be having fun but you. In this course teenagers find out how to be okay with themselves and find some helpful strategies for navigating the demands of adolescence and young adulthood.

Mindfulness can help teenagers in many ways. Recent research from the University of Exeter and elsewhere supports that Mindfulness reduces stress, anxiety and improves sleep and self-esteem. Young people increase in their calmness, relaxation and ability to manage behaviour and emotions. Mindfulness contributes to the development of cognitive and performance skills. Improved attention, focus and more innovative thinking has been shown, as well as improved problem-solving and reasoning skills.

Mindfulness is both a set of strategies/daily practices and a different way of looking at life. Teenagers will be given practical tools that help them in everyday life.

Our programs

Teenagers will be given practical tools that help them in everyday life and support them to develop approaches that feel right for them and for others. They will be introduced to ways to:

  • enhance their emotional intelligence
  • learn how to relax, stay calm and to deal with pressures and stressors better
  • increase their resilience
  • self-regulate
  • build their concentration, focus and avoid getting distracted
  • learn to respond effectively rather than get upset, angry or nervous
  • communicate successfully their own needs and balance the needs of others

The program involves mindfulness body-based practices, understanding thoughts and emotions and relating to others. Participants will receive guided meditations (MP3s) to take away and practice in between each class.

The program encourages a parent to attend the first session with the teenager. This enables the parent to get an understanding of the Mindfulness approach and builds a shared language.

To get monthly updates please sign up on the right hand side of the page, just underneath the Offerings. And please feel free to contact us for a chat about mindfulness.

For more information contact us.

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